IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP)

This chapter describes Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.002 Add SG nt network sg server_group rc return_code

Long Syntax: SCSP.002 Add Server Group. Network network SGID server_group rc return_code

Description: A server group was added. The return code of 0 indicates immediate success. The 1483 client may become active later. Look for a ELS indicating SG UP.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.003 Del SG nt network sg server_group rc return_code

Long Syntax: SCSP.003 Delete Server Group. Network network SGID server_group rc return_code

Description: A server group was deleted. The return code of 0 indicates success.



Short Syntax: SCSP.004 Mult DCS nt network sg server_group dcs dcs_id

Long Syntax: SCSP.004 Multiple DCS IDs at a ATM address. Network network SGID server_group DCSID dcs_id

Description: A SCSP message was received from a DCS and the DCS ID does not match the previous DCS ID that we had from that ATM address. The message is discarded. The DCS_ID is the ID of the DCS that we already have at that ATM address.

Cause: configuration error



Short Syntax: SCSP.005 out of memory

Long Syntax: SCSP.005 An error occured when attempting to allocate memory

Description: An error occured when attempting to allocate memory. Memory is depleted.

Cause: overload


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: SCSP.006 DCS not config. nt network sg server_group dcs DCS_ID

Long Syntax: SCSP.006 Message received from unconfigured DCS. nt network sg server_group dcs DCS_ID

Description: A message was received from a DCS that was not configured under this server group. The configuration indicates secure mode, so no DCS is automatically brought up.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.007 SCSP up on nt network

Long Syntax: SCSP.007 SCSP initialized on network network

Description: The indicated network has come up and SCSP has been initialized for this network.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.008 Add DCS nt network sg server_group atm partial_atm_addr

Long Syntax: SCSP.008 A DCS is added to network network, server group server_group, atm addr (esi,sel) partial_atm_addr

Description: A DCS was added to the given server group. The channel is not yet up, nor is there a DCSID yet.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: SCSP.009 Hello on down DCS, nt network sg server_group

Long Syntax: SCSP.009 Hello msg received on down DCS, network network, server_group server_group

Description: The only way this could happen is if we get an hello, but we have not yet received a channel_up for this channel from the API...really shouldn't happen either


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.010 DCS Hello state chg to dcs_hello_state, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.010 DCS Hello FSM state change to dcs_hello_state on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: The DCS Hello Finite State Mache has changed state. The states are: DOWN - channel is not up yet DOWN_INOP - channel has not yet been opened WAITING - waiting for hello msg from DCS UNIDIRECTIONAL - a hello message has been received, but it did not contain our LSID BIDIRECTIONAL - final state, exchanging hello


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: SCSP.011 RID doesn't match LSID, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.011 RID in received msg doesn't match LSID of this DCS. network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: The Receiver ID in the message does not match the configured LSID of the given DCS.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.012 Hello rcvd nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.012 Hello message received on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: Normal hello message


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.013 DCS CA state chg to dcs_ca_state/ dcs_master_state, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.013 DCS CA FSM state change to dcs_ca_state/ dcs_master_state on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: The DCS Cache Alignment Finite State Machine has changed state. DOWN - hellos have not yet been exchanged. MS_NEG - negotiating master/slave SUMMARIZE - exchanging cache summarization records UPDATE - exchanging database records ALIGNED - is the final state.



Short Syntax: SCSP.014 CA msg rejected nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.014 CA msg rejected nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Description: The received CA message was rejected for one of these reasons: In MS_NEG and we don't accept the M/S claim. In SUMMARIZE, UPDATE or ALIGNED and I flag is set or M flag is incorrect. In SUMMARIZE, UPDATE or ALIGNED and MASTER and the seq no is less than ours In SUMMARIZE/SLAVE and seq no is not one more than our last one. In UPDATE or ALIGNED and it's not a duplicate In DOWN state


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.015 CA rcvd nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.015 CA message received on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: Cache Alignment message was received.



Short Syntax: SCSP.016 CSUS msg rejected nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.016 CSUS msg rejected nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Description: The received CSUS message was rejected for one of these reasons: Not in UPDATE or ALIGNED state.



Short Syntax: SCSP.017 Bad message nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.017 Bad message nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Description: The received message was rejected for one of these reasons: The packet was too short for the indicated length. The packet contained a CSA or CSAS record that was too short.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.018 CSA rcvd nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid cpa protocol_addr csa_state

Long Syntax: SCSP.018 Cache Update received nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid cpa protocol_addr csa_state

Description: A cache update was received from the given DCS. cpa is the protocol address.


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.019 Hello missed, state chg to dcs_hello_state, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.019 Hello message missed, FSM state change to dcs_hello_state on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: A hello message was not received from the DCS within the Hello Interval times the Dead Factor.


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.020 CA missed, retransmitting, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.020 CA message missed, retransmitting. network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: A CA message was not received from the DCS within the expected period when in SUMMARIZE state.


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.021 CSUS missed, retransmitting, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.021 CSUS message missed, retransmitting. network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: A CSUS message was not received from the DCS within the expected period when in the UPDATE state.


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.022 retransmitting CSAs, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.022 retransmitting CSAs. network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: CSAs sent in a CSU_REQ message were not acknowledged. They are being retransmitted.



Short Syntax: SCSP.024 sg ( server_group) bad in msg nt network

Long Syntax: SCSP.024 message contains a sg ( server_group) that is not configured. network network

Description: A message or CSA was received for a server group that is not configured on this network.



Short Syntax: SCSP.025 bad msg type ( message_type) nt network

Long Syntax: SCSP.025 bad message type ( message_type) received on network network

Description: A message with an unrecognized message type was received.



Short Syntax: SCSP.026 bad msg hdr nt network

Long Syntax: SCSP.026 bad message header received on network network

Description: A bad message was received. Could be on of the following reasons: Bad message version. Bad checksum.


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.027 EP state chg ( ep_state) nt network SG server_group

Long Syntax: SCSP.027 Endpoint state change to ep_state, network network, SGID server_group

Description: The endpoint or ATM address used by this server group has changed state. 0 is inactive, 1 is active


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.028 message_type msg sent nt network sg server_group sid sender_id rid receiver_id

Long Syntax: SCSP.028 message_type message sent on network network server group server_group. sid sender_id rid receiver_id

Description: A message of the given type is being sent. sid is the Sender ID (LSID). rid is the Receiver ID (DCS ID)


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.029 CSUS rcvd nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.029 CSUS message received on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: Cache State Update Solicit message was received.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.031 message_type msg rcvd nt network sg server_group sid sender_id rid receiver_id

Long Syntax: SCSP.031 message_type message received on network network server group server_group. sid sender_id rid receiver_id

Description: A message of the given type was received. sid is the Sender ID (LSID). rid is the Receiver ID (DCS ID)


Level: U_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.032 CSA retry exceeded, state chg to dcs_hello_state, nt network sg server_group dcs dcsid

Long Syntax: SCSP.032 CSA retry count exceeded, HFSM state change to dcs_hello_state on network network, server group server_group, DCSID dcsid

Description: A DCS did not acknowledge receipt of a CSA after several retries. This is considered an abnormal event. The DCS is reset to WAITING state.


Level: C_TRACE

Short Syntax: SCSP.033 cache entry cache_action, paddr protocol_address, oid origin_id,, key cache_key

Long Syntax: SCSP.033 cache entry cache_action, protocol address protocol_address, origin ID origin_id,, cache key cache_key

Description: A SCSP cache element is created, updated, unlinked or aged. cache_action is one of: created - cache element is created updated - sequence number updated relinked - updated and relinked unlinked - server is removing cache entry ignored - update is ignored because sequence number is less aged - aged out



Short Syntax: SCSP.034 duplicate SG registration ( server_group) nt network

Long Syntax: SCSP.034 duplicate server group registration ( server_group) on network network

Description: A server has attempted to start a server group with a server group id that has already been used. Check the configuration for duplicate server group ids.

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